
Reiner Interview EVZ podcast

Epic Vision Zone Show podcast (July 18, 2022)

Conventional wisdom says that emotions have no place in business or leadership. In my interview with Jane Applegath, I explain how this is a fallacy, and how we really need to come together to address the issues of our time.

(EVZ podcast: Jane and I discuss the importance of cultivating trust as well as some of the other 6 emotions examined in my new book ASPIRE: Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change. (

In the book, try to demonstrate the critical emotions you must master to become an effective leader who aspires to:

  • positively influence key stakeholders,
  • build trust, 
  • lead with optimism, 
  • ride the waves of negative emotions, 
  • mobilize people to take action, and 
  • choose resiliency in the face of setbacks.

Find even more insights on leading positive change and how emotions enhance leadership skills by subscribing to receive our ASPIRE e-Newsletter: