Join us for an exciting evening at the Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta on Tue, March 12, 6:30pm. Learn the seven essential emotions for leading positive change from my book, ASPIRE and how you can apply them to creating positive change.
You will hear amazing stories, including how a small group of committed leaders peacefully brought down the Berlin Wall by mobilizing millions of people.
I am excited to be joined by Anke Jahn, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany. At the age of 18, just three months before the Berlin Wall came down, she and her best friend escaped.
The event is in English and will be moderated by Oliver Gorf, Executive Director at Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta.
Please register here and share with your Atlanta friends and colleagues.
Thank you!
ASPIRE Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change
Order ASPIRE (English edition) on or amazon webpage for your country
ASPIRE Führen mit Emotionen
Order ASPIRE (German edition) from Verlag Barbara Budrich
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